Call of Duty: Black Ops II Geek
Call of Duty: Black Ops II is an upcoming first-person shooter video game. Black Ops II is the first game in the Call of Duty franchise to have a completely futuristic setting and feature future warfare technology. It also presents branching storylines driven by player choice for the first time in the franchise's history. The content are:Characters and Setting, Strike Force missions, Zombies.

Characters and Setting
Black Ops II is set in 2025, as opposed to the Cold War setting of Black Ops. In this new setting, China and the United States are locked in a cold war after China bans the export of rare earth elements following a cyber attack that cripples the Chinese Stock Exchange. War is now defined by robotics, cyber warfare, unmanned vehicles and other modern technology. In the 1980s section of the game, the player protagonist will be Alex Mason, protagonist of Black Ops. In the 2025 section, the player protagonist will be David Mason, son of Alex Mason.
It has been hinted at that the side-plot of Viktor Reznov and his relationship with Alex Mason, which began in World at War and was advanced by Black Ops, will be continued in Black Ops II.

Strike Force missions
The game will feature special 'Strike Force' missions that are offered as a choice to the player during the campaign. Choosing one of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a fresh campaign.
Strike Force missions allow the player to control a number of different war assets, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, jet fighters and robots. If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved checkpoint. The player's progress in the Strike Force missions may go on to change even the plans of the story's antagonist, Raul Menendez.
Treyarch has confirmed that the Zombies mode will return for Black Ops II with its own campaign. Its predecessors were Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops. It has also been confirmed that the Zombies mode will support 8 player co-ops, unlike Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, which only support in its multiplayer 4 player co-op. Further information about the Zombies mode is unknown.