Deus Ex Human Revolution Geek
Cheap movie tie-ins have plagued gaming industry since at least a decade, but for a movie that has "I want to play a game" trademark quote, it's surprising that they waited until sixth installment to make the game. The Deus Ex Human Revolutioncontent are: The Plot, Puzzle and Action, Fighting Mechanism. Weapon, and Graphic.

The Plot
The game revolves around Detective Tapp from first Saw who relentlessly chases Jigsaw, but unfortunately led his partner to his ill-fated demise. Tapp must survive Jigsaw test in abandoned asylum where Jigsaw houses his latest "patients", makes you wonder where he got all these guys. In his fateful night, Tapp will face his obsession, help some of his friend and fight aforementioned patients along the way.
Tapp moves like a drunkard who was drugged, he probably was, so there are ways to dispatch your opponent in form of traps. The asylum is littered with traps, simple matter as walking or opening doors can easily kill. It can also work for your advantages; you can build a trap using Jigsaw schematic, rig the shotgun trap and lure them to you or just toggle the electric box while the enemies are standing on water. It's easy enough to trap your enemy as the AI is dumb, and quite entertaining to do so.

Puzzle and Action
Puzzle part is the core of this game, almost everything that you do involve series of puzzle, might it be unlocking doors or cabinets, or surviving traps. The puzzle also varies such as pipeline puzzle, colors matching or aligning gears depend on what action you might perform. First time Tapp screams when he plunges his hand to toilet filled with syringes or chemical acid is quiet eerie, but the third or fourth time around you wonder if Jigsaw is enjoying this a bit too much.
Fighting Mechanism
You can use light attack which supposedly quick and does little damage, slower heavy attack that cause more damage or counter that can almost knock every baddies out there. The problem in this fighting is the speed of your attack; it's painstakingly slow even with lighter weapon or performing light attack. Counter, if perform correctly is effective and will mostly kill.

You'll need some weapon to counter most attack though since the patients will be armed, luckily there are assortment of nifty items at you disposal like mannequin hand, shovel, table lamp etc, which however will last only through a few hits. The game restricts carrying more than one weapon, which is troublesome but realistic. Weapons are scattered through out the game so you probably won't have problem scavenging for them. There are also pistols but they are few and far between, although it's tempting to use since it deals high damage.

This game also delivers well on graphic. Character models are detailed and facial expression is good. The asylum design provides chilling atmosphere, Jigsaw trails and disturbing messages blatantly written all over the place. The lighting is impressive and well-built, there are three light sources, each with their pro and con. The asylum unfortunately doesn't have much variety, there are a couple segments in outdoors, but the indoor consists of almost identical hallways and rooms.
Enemies in the game have similar search-and-destroy manners. It's easy to understand if someone put bear trap at your face, fear and adrenalin will substitute logic and reason. There are some types of enemy, some have bomb that rigged to detonate if they fall, and some are blinded due massive casket installed in their head. The enemy pattern will grow old as you encounter more of them.