The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Geek
The Witcher 2 is a sequel to The Witcher, developed by CD Projekt RED. Like the original game, it is set after the events of Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher series of novels on which the games are based. Novel series that hugely popular on its native land, Poland, but I bet a lot of you here didn’t even know it, as elsewhere around the world it’s practically unknown, probably because only a very little part of the series got proper English translation. Now, we will talk about: The Story, Graphically and Combat System.

The Story
The Witcher 2 still follow the story of Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher, which basically mutated-human whose job is slaying monsters for gold. The Witcher 2 plot delves heavily on politics of various kingdoms. Being a sequel with the first game only available on PC, I understand if many Xbox 360 users worry if they could understand the story or not, which leading to many not yet pick up the game. Of course for greater understanding of the characters and the universe, playing the first game won’t hurt you. Also with Geralt having some kind of amnesia, you will understand his back story as he regaining the memories bit by bit throughout the game.
You have choices in this game. And unlike some other game out there, the choices actually matter and have consequences. You can’t please everyone here, and at some point you have to make big decision that drastically changes the game. One thing that should not be forget to mention is with mature characters and mature plot, this game also contain adult interaction with element of nudity. So, if you want to give this game to your children, I suggest think again.

Graphically speaking, it’s fantastic. Of course, naturally it will have lowered texture detail if compared to its PC counterpart. Yet they still do a very great job, optimizing the visual quality for the fast-aging console making it one of the visually impressive titles if compared to other games on console. Environments are absolutely gorgeous. All-new lighting system is also introduced on this enhanced version, which arguably better than the old lighting. There’s minor issue of pop-in but if the game installed on hard drive, this is hardly a problem.

Combat System
Combat is action-based. Yet, if you try to button-mashed everything, you’ll die. It is clear that this game cannot be played like that. The Witcher 2 combat system requires tactical move, learning the environment/enemy, and doing preparation before dive into the action. There is micromanagement element which is great addition to the already an addictive and challenging combat system.
As the game title suggest, there are a lot of additions to this version compared to original PC version, such as: bonus DLC items, Arena Mode, and Dark Mode difficulty setting. In conclusion, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition is an outstanding and memorable game, with tremendous thought put into the story, presentation, writing and all. An adult 360 RPG fans will want to play this gem – and they should. Now, after experiencing this wonderful game, I can proudly say that CD Projekt RED is becoming one of my favorite developers ever.